This video lesson focuses on the concentration or deconcentration of power among various levels of government. We will examine the definition, features, reasons for adoption, merits, demerits and model examples of the following government systems: 1. Unitary government 2. Federal Government 3. Confederal Government. These systems of government explain how power is concentrated or shared among different levels of government. We are also going to discuss other very important concepts like: 1. The exclusive, concurrent, and residual legislative lists 2. Fiscal federalism 3. Federal Character. Then, we are going to examine the various political systems at work. The following are the political systems that will be discussed: 1. Presidential Republic 2. Semi-Presidential Republics 3. Constitutional Monarchy 4. Parliamentary Republic 5. Absolute Monarchy 6. Military Junta 7. One-Party States. Case studies will be presented to show how each of these systems work in various countries around the world.
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