This educational video introduces the basics of simple machines, defining what a machine is and listing five types: lever, inclined plane, wheel and axle, pulley, and screw. Understand important concepts like force ratio, velocity ratio, and efficiency, along with their mathematical relationships. learn how to calculate these ratios for a specific example of a simple machine. We illustrated various simple machines through helpful diagrams and showed how to achieve a particular velocity ratio based on these diagrams. The following are the learning objectives: (1) Define a machine and list at least five simple machines. (2) Define (i) Force ratio (ii) Velocity Ratio (iii) Efficiency, and write down mathematical relationship between them. 3)Relate (i), (ii) and (iii) in (b) above (4) Calculate Force ratio, Velocity Ratio and Efficiency for a simple machine. (5) Draw (i) an inclined plane (ii) Wheel and axle (iii) a lever (iv) a pulley (v) a screw (vi) a hydraulic press and where possible do this to achieve a specific velocity ratio.
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