Explore the simple structure of matter in this video! We’ll cover the atomic structure of matter, explain the three states of matter using the kinetic theory, and discuss diffusion. We’ll also touch on the structure of simple crystals with examples, define surface tension and its applications, and compare friction with viscosity. Perfect for a quick understanding of these fundamental concepts. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: 1. Describe the atomic structure of matter 2. State the constituents of the atom 3. Use Kinetic theory to explain the three states of matter and diffusion. 4. Describe the structure of simple crystals 5. Give two examples of a crystal. 6. Distinguish between crystalline substances and amorphous substances. 7. Define surface tension in liquids 8. Classify fluids according to their viscous properties 9. Give at least two examples of the application of surface tension and viscosity 10. state the similarities and differences between friction and viscosity
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